
Practice Al- Islaam Without Any Addition, Subtraction & Alteration.


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Tuesday 25 March 2014



1. Biographies of the Rightly Guided Caliphs-
By Ibn Kathir(r.a)

Biographies of the Rightly Guided Caliphs- By Ibn Kathir(r.a)


2. Quraan (Sahih international-English)-SetUp.exe

 Quraan (Sahih international-English)-SetUp.exe


3. Stories Of The Prophets By Ibn Kathir(r.a)

Stories Of The Prophets By Ibn Kathir(r.a)


4. Translation Of The Quran -
By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

Translation Of The Quran - By Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan


5. Tafsir QURAAN MAJEED(all 10 volumes)-By Ibn Kathir(r.a)

Tafsir QURAAN MAJEED(all 10 volumes)-By Ibn Kathir(r.a)


6. Tafsir Surah Al-Baqarah,
By: Maulana Abu Ala-MAUDUDI (r.a)


7. Tafsir surah Al-Mulk, By: Maulana Abu Ala-MAUDUDI (r.a)


8. Tafsir surah Al-Yasin, By: Maulana Abu Ala-MAUDUDI (r.a)


9. Tafsir surah Al-Kahf, By: Maulana Abu Ala-MAUDUDI (r.a)


10. Juz Amma(PART 30 OF QURAN), By: Ibn Katheer (r.a)


11. The Amazing Quran, By: Dr. Gary Miller

The Amazing Quran, By: Dr. Gary Miller



Authentic Books on Islaam


1. BEAUTIFUL SAYINGS, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir  

2. Important Books for the Seeker of Islamic knowledge, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

3. The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End
 As Though You See It, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End  As Though You See It

4. The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End 
As Though You See It(in Colour), By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End  As Though You See It(in Colour), By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

 5. Conditions of Marriage, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

6. Talaaq & khula conditions, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

7. Aqeeqah and Rulings on the New-Born,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

8. Ruling on Eid prayers, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

9. Ruling on Udhiyah (Sacrificial Animal),
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

10. Ruling on Ramadaan & Shawwaal, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

11. Mawlid al-Nabi (the Prophet’s birthday),
 By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

12. Ruling on Graves, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

13. Sufi's, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

14. Mistakes Made on Eid, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

15. A Core of Jumuah Khutbah, By: Dr.Israr ahmad (r.a)

16. The Black Stone, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

17. Scholars & Notables, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

18. The Story of Tha‘labah, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

19. Paradise, Hell and the Hereafter, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

20. Date of Birth and Date of Death of Holy Prophet (PBUH),
 By Er. Tawseef Qadir

21. Du’aa’s for Infertile Couples, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

22. Why Vote, and Who To Vote For, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

23. Malik and Al-Layth Conversation, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

24. Ruling on Islamic Banking, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

25. Ruling on Islamic Politics,  By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

26. Ruling on Insurance,  By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

27. The History of Hajj, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

28. Ruling on Ba’yah (allegiance), By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

29. Ash’aris ,Maturidi & Mu‘tazilah, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

30. I Want to Repent, But ..., By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

31. Sheytan our Enemy, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

33. The Rope of AllAah, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

34. Wearing Amulet of any type is a Major Shirk,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

35. Aayat al-Kursiy, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

36. For Those who do not Pray, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

37. Ruling on Shaving the Moustache, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

38. What Du’aa’ should a parent say for a sick child,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

39. What is the Language in which people will be Addressed
in al-Barzakh, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

40. Ruling on working in the police, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

41. Remedy for Whispers from Shaytan  & OCD,
 By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

42. Hijab in Islaam is not due to sexual Obsession,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

43. Slaughter in palistine, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

44. kashmir Dispute why, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

45. Du'aa Qunoot, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

46. Kufr and its various kinds, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

47.The story of the Tashahhud in prayer,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

48. When is it Permissible to Beat the Daff,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

49. What you Should do in the Following Situations-
By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


50. Exam Tips for Students, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

51. A Gift for the Bralwiyah- Compiled by Ali Hassan Khan

52. A Womans Guide to Hajj

53. Common Mistakes that Destroy a
Relationship Of Marriage

54. Daily and Nightly Supplications-By Khalid Al-Jeraisy

55. Dangers in the Home-
By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

56. Etiquettes Marraige Wedding
By Sheikh Nasrudeen Albani(r.a)

57. Funeral Rites In Islam By Shaykh Dr. Bilal Phillips

58. Hajj Virtues Benefits-
By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

59. Healing with the Medicine of the prophet pbuh-
By Imam Ibn Qayem(r.a)

60. History of Islam, By Er. Tawseef Qadir

61. How a Patient can Purify himself and Pray

62. Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyahs(r.a) Essay on the Jinn

63. Juz Amma-By Ibn Katheer(r.a) PART 30 OF QURAN

64. Juzz Ul Rafa Al-Yadeen-BY Imam Bukhari(r.a)

65. Night Prayer during Ramadhan-
By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

66. Prohibitions That are Taken too Light-
By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

67. Rulings on Tayammum By Shaykh Uthameen(r.a)

68. Zakaat al-Fitr-By Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


69. The Sealed Nectar
By Sheikh Safi ur-Rahman al –Mubarakpuri

70. The Dreamers Handbook-By Muhammed Mustafa Al-Jibali

71. The Hijab Why By Dr Saleh As-Saleh

72. The Rulings of the Traveler-
By Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abdur-Rahman Al-Jibreen

73. Tragedy of Karbala saniha karbala,
 By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)

74. Meaning of Alif Laam Meem, By Er. Tawseef Qadir


75. 33 Ways of Developing Khushoo in Salaah

 By Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


76. 40 Common Mistakes in Salaat 

By Saalih Ibn Abdul-Azeez Ibn Muhammad Aalish-Shaykh


77. A'ali Zindagi ke 2 Bunyadi Usool By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


78. Azmat-e-Mustafa Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


79. Explanation Names of Allah 

By Shaykh Abdur Rehmaan As Sadi(r.a)


80. How to Protect Yourself From Jinn And Shaytaan


81. Islamic Renaissance Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


82. Lessons From History Israr Ahmad  Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


83. Meraj-un-Nabi Sallallah-o-Alihe WasSallam 

By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


84. Muhammad(SAW) Objective of His Appoint 

Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


85. Musalmano Per Quran Majeed kay Huqooq

 By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


86. Rulings on Tayammum

 By Muhammaad Saalih Al-'Uthaymeen(r.a)


87. The Etiquette of Eating


Books For Non Muslim Brothers


1. Concept of GOD & prophet MUHAMMAD(s.a.w) Prophesied
in Worlds Different Religious Scriptures,
By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

Concept of GOD & prophet MUHAMMAD(s.a.w) Prophesied in Worlds Different Religious Scriptures

2. Reality of Hinduism,  By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

3. 50000 Errors in the Bible

4. A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam-
By I. A. Ibrahim 

5. Christ In Islam  -By Ahmed Deedat

6. Clear Your Doubts About Islam

By Dr. Zakir Naik

8. Crucifixion Or Cruci-fiction  -By Ahmed Deedat

9. Did Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner,
 By Er. Tawseef Qadir

10. Did God Become Man-By Dr Bilal Philips

11. Do You Know This Man 

12. If Jesus Was God


14. Islam Against Terrorism-HTML

15 .Islam is The Fastest Growing Religion in the World
Especially Since sep11-By Yusuf Estes

16. Islam is Your Birthright-By Dr Bilal Philips

17. Islam The Misunderstood Religion-By Muhammed Qutub

By Dr. Zakir Naik

19. Most Common Questions Regarding Al-Islaam-
By Dr. Zakir Naik

20. Muhummed The Natural Successor To Christ -
By Ahmed Deedat

21. Prophets Pray -By Ahmed Deedat

22. Resurrection Or Resuscitation -By Ahmed Deedat

23. Say as Universe says Laa_ilaaha_illa_Allaah-
By Sheikh Ameen El-Ansary

24. Seven Common Questions About Islam

25. The New Testament(article)

26. The Old Testament(article)

27. Trinity Accepted in 325 AD

28. True Message of Jesus -By Dr Bilal Philips

29. Was Jesus Crucified  -By Ahmed Deedat

30. What did Jesus Really Say

31. What The Bible Says About Muhammad  -By Ahmed Deedat

32. What they Say About Muhammad(pbuh)

33. What Was the Sign of Jonah -By Ahmed Deedat

34. What Is The Purpose Of Life

35. Who Moved The Stone -By Ahmed Deedat

36. Who Wrote The Bible

37. Who Wrote The Quran

38. Who was Muhammad(s.a.w)

39. Why We Were Created-By Dr Bilal Philips

40. Why Pork is Forbidden in Islam

41. Why So Many Religions-By Yusuf Estes

42. You Have No Right to Translate Individuals Names

43. Arabs And Israel Conflict Or Conciliation
By Ahmed Deedat(r.a)

44. Pak-Bharat Mufahimat Aur Masla-e-Kashmir
 By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)

45. Quran - The Miracle of Miracles By Ahmed Deedat(r.a)

46. The God That Never Was By Ahmed Deedat(r.a)

47. To Christians With Love By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)


Books on Atheism



By Harun yayah




By Harun yayah


5. Atheists are Polytheists


6. Existence of the Creator



Books on Fiqh & Madhhabs


1. The Evolution Of Fiqh, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

The Evolution Of Fiqh, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

2. Evolution Of Fiqh Qabeelat Tayybah

3. Fiqh Made Easy -By Shaykh Salih As-Sadlan

4. Which School Of Thought -By Dr. Zakir Abdul kareem Naik

5. Why Did The Imams Differ-By Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah(r.a)

6. Evolution of Fiqh BY Shaykh Dr.Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips


Books on Shiaism


1. 70 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS-A Challenge to the Shi’ites

 By Muhammad Mansur Ibrahim

70 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS-A Challenge to the Shi’ites

2. A Calm Dialogue Between Sunnah and Shia

By Shaykh Dr. Abdul Rahman Dimashqiah

3. Unravelling The Myths About Sheeah
By Abdul-Haq Ibn Kofi

Unravelling The Myths About Sheeah


4. Shia Scholars and The Authenticity of Their Texts

5. Sunni Standpoint on Shias

By Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jammah for the supreme court of Pakistan

6. Tragedy Of Karbala-By Dr. Israr Ahmad(r.a)

7. Tragedy Of Karbala Saniha karbala By Dr. Israr Ahmad (r.a)


8. A Letter to the Shia By Muhammad al-Sayed Muhammad


9. Collection of Articles (Refuting Shia)


10. Discovery Where Is The Shia Quran

 By Shaykh Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias


11. False Claimants Of Mahdi


12. Fundamental Shiite Beliefs By Abdul Muhammed As-Salafi


13. Genesis and Evolution Of Shia and Shiaism 

 By Ehsan Elahi Zaheer


14. Great Martyr Imam Hussain (rz.a)By Prof. Fazl Ahmed


15. Martyrdom of Imam Hussain(rz.a) By Abdullah Yusuf Ali


16. Origin of Shia Sects By Moojan Momen


17. Reality Of Twelve Imaams By Shaykh Munajjid 

Compiled By Er. Tawseef Qadir


18.  Who Murdered Hussain 

By Shaykh Abul Hareez Maalik Abdul Azeez Munaazar Multaanee

19. Shiaism Imamah Doctrine and The Quran By  Abu Saleh


20. The 12th Imam His Occultation and Return  

By Moojan Momen


21. THE DIFFERENCE Between Shia-Sunni 



22. The Mirage in Iran By Shaykh 

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips


23. The Shia Belief

24. Did  Ali (rz.a) Execute Some Of His People

By Burning them to Death, By: Er. Tawseef Qadir

25. Answering Shia Concerning Ahlel-Bayt

26. Shia Sunni Mufahimat ki Zarorat aur Ahmeyat 

By Dr. Israr Ahmad (r.a)



Videos For Atheists


1. Does God Exist- By Dr Zakir Naik


2. Why Do We Need A Religion - By Dr. Bilal Philips


3. How can you Prove Logically about Hereafter, life after death-
By Zakir Naik


4. All Religions Teach Men to be Righteous,
Then Why Follow only Islam -By Dr. Zakir Naik(Urdu)


5. The Quran & Evolution Thoughts from a Believing,
Rational Muslim -Dr. Yasir Qadhi


6. Who Created God- Dr Zakir Naik


7. Why God did Not Create Only one  Religion- Dr Zakir Naik


8. Did Man Come From Monkeys...FUNNY By Sheikh Yusuf Estes


9. The Only Two Options Atheistic Physicists & Philosophers
Can Fall Into - By  Dr  Jaffar Idris


10. What is the Evidence for the Existence of a Creator -
By Dr. Jafar Idris


11. Why Did ALLAH Created Adam-
By Sheikh Salem Al Amry


12. Is Life Just A Game - By Hamza Tzortzis


13. Islam and The West-God and The Qur'an
By Hamza Tzortzis


14. Islam or Atheism -Debate
Hamza Tzortzis & The President of American Atheists
(Dr. Ed Buckner)


15. Tale of two Histories -Debate
Rashid Adnan & The President of American Atheists
(Dr. Ed Buckner)



  • Knowledge is a Comforting Friend in Times of Loneliness, it is the Best Companion During Travels, and it is The Inner Friend Who Speaks to you in Your Privacy.
  • You are NOTHING but a Number of Days, and Whenever a Day Passes Away, a Part of You Passes Away.
  • Know that if People are Impressed With You, in Reality they are Impressed with the Beauty of Allaah's Covering of your Sins.
  • Allaah has Created Angels with Reason, But Having No Desires; and Animals with Desires, But No Reason; and Man with Both Reason and Desires. Therefore, if One’s Reason is Stronger than his Desires, He is Like an Angel, While if his Desires are Stronger than his Reason, He is like an Animal.
  • Sins Need to be Burned Either with the Pain of Regret in this World or the Fire of Hell in the Hereafter.
  • And Verily for Everything a Slave Loses there is a Substitute, But the One Who Loses Allaah will Never find Anything to Replace Him.
  • Some People have the Disease of Criticizing all the Time. They Forget the Good about Others and Only Mention their Faults. They are Like Flies that Avoid the Good and Pure Places and Land on the Bad and Wounds. This is Because of the Evil within the Self and the Spoiled Nature.
  • We see You When You are Inflicted with a Disease, You Knock every Physician’s Door Looking for Treatment and Bearing Whatever Pain that may Result from Surgical Operations and The Bitterness of Medicine. Why do You Not do the Same When your Heart is Spiritually Sick with Sins?.
  • To Live For the Sake of Allah is a Lot Harder than to Die for the Sake of Allah.
  • Anger Always Comes Alone but Takes away Wisdom, Morals and Beauty of Character with It.
  • If One Night You See Someone Committing a Sin, Tomorrow do Not Look at Him as a Sinner, He May Have Repented During the Night and You did Not know.
  • Words are Under Your Control Until You have Spoken Them, But You Come Under Their Control Once You Have Spoken Them.
  • O my Soul! It is Not, Except a Few Days of Patience; As if the Extent Were But a Few Dreams.O my Soul! Pass Quickly On Through This World; And Leave it, For Indeed Life Lies Ahead of It.
  • When the Foolish One Speaks, Do Not Reply To Him, For Better Than a Response (to Him) is Silence, and If You Speak to Him You Have Aided Him, and If You Left Him (with No Reply) in Extreme Sadness He Dies.
  • Every Person is Dead Except Those Who Have Knowledge. And all Those Who Have knowledge are Asleep Except Those Who Perform Good Deeds. And Those Perform Good Deeds are Cheated Except Those who are Sincere. And Those Who are Sincere are Always in Condition of Worry( as to if Their Deeds are Accepted by Allaah or Not).
  • Many a False Idea has Been Sold on the Strength of How Beautifully it was Presented, and Many a Sublime Truth has Fallen Flat Because of How Poorly it Was Expressed.
  • Shirk Occurs When Human Beings Love, Trust or Fear the Creation More Than Allaah(The Creator).
  • When you‘re Going Through Something Hard and You Start Wondering where Allaah is, Just Remember the Teacher is Always Quiet During a Test.
  • When you See Someone Who is Not as Religious, Remember that You Were Once on the Edge of the Fire, and it Was Allaah (swt)’s Favor UpOn You to Guide You. Arrogance will Wipe away Any Goodness From the Transformation.
  • “Regarding Dressing, Morals & Values A Wise Man Said, “The Acceptable Nowadays Was Unacceptable Before, and The Unacceptable Nowadays Will be Acceptable in Future.
  • I know a Man who Lost his Parents but Refused to be Called an Orphan. He was Man Enough to Love a Strong Woman Years Older Than Him, Worked For Her and Made Her Stronger, Opened His Heart to Her, Shared His Fears To No One But Her. He was Romantic and Was Faithful to Her Till Her Last Breath. Cleaned After Himself and Sewed His Own Clothes. He was Good Looking, Courageous and Fearless. He Never Judged Anyone on Their Pasts or Looks, and Was Moderate, Open Minded and Tolerant. His Neighbor Was Jewish and his Cousin-in- law was a Christian Priest. Beaten and Exiled When He was Helpless, He was Merciful when he Became Stronger. Intelligent, Wise and a Hard Worker, He Built a Long Lasting Nation Out of Nothing in the Last 20 years of His Life. He Had No Parents, But Loved His Daughters and Grandchildren. His Last Will Was “Be Good To Women.” This Man was a Mercy For All Mankind,This Man Was My PROPHET MUHAMMAD, Peace be Upon Him”.

  • Knowledge is a Comforting Friend in Times of Loneliness, it is the Best Companion During Travels, and it is The Inner Friend Who Speaks to you in Your Privacy.
  • You are NOTHING but a Number of Days, and Whenever a Day Passes Away, a Part of You Passes Away.
  • Know that if People are Impressed With You, in Reality they are Impressed with the Beauty of Allaah's Covering of your Sins.
  • Allaah has Created Angels with Reason, But Having No Desires; and Animals with Desires, But No Reason; and Man with Both Reason and Desires. Therefore, if One’s Reason is Stronger than his Desires, He is Like an Angel, While if his Desires are Stronger than his Reason, He is like an Animal.
  • Sins Need to be Burned Either with the Pain of Regret in this World or the Fire of Hell in the Hereafter.
  • And Verily for Everything a Slave Loses there is a Substitute, But the One Who Loses Allaah will Never find Anything to Replace Him.
  • Some People have the Disease of Criticizing all the Time. They Forget the Good about Others and Only Mention their Faults. They are Like Flies that Avoid the Good and Pure Places and Land on the Bad and Wounds. This is Because of the Evil within the Self and the Spoiled Nature.
  • We see You When You are Inflicted with a Disease, You Knock every Physician’s Door Looking for Treatment and Bearing Whatever Pain that may Result from Surgical Operations and The Bitterness of Medicine. Why do You Not do the Same When your Heart is Spiritually Sick with Sins?.
  • To Live For the Sake of Allah is a Lot Harder than to Die for the Sake of Allah.
  • Anger Always Comes Alone but Takes away Wisdom, Morals and Beauty of Character with It.
  • If One Night You See Someone Committing a Sin, Tomorrow do Not Look at Him as a Sinner, He May Have Repented During the Night and You did Not know.
  • Words are Under Your Control Until You have Spoken Them, But You Come Under Their Control Once You Have Spoken Them.
  • O my Soul! It is Not, Except a Few Days of Patience; As if the Extent Were But a Few Dreams.O my Soul! Pass Quickly On Through This World; And Leave it, For Indeed Life Lies Ahead of It.
  • When the Foolish One Speaks, Do Not Reply To Him, For Better Than a Response (to Him) is Silence, and If You Speak to Him You Have Aided Him, and If You Left Him (with No Reply) in Extreme Sadness He Dies.
  • Every Person is Dead Except Those Who Have Knowledge. And all Those Who Have knowledge are Asleep Except Those Who Perform Good Deeds. And Those Perform Good Deeds are Cheated Except Those who are Sincere. And Those Who are Sincere are Always in Condition of Worry( as to if Their Deeds are Accepted by Allaah or Not).
  • Many a False Idea has Been Sold on the Strength of How Beautifully it was Presented, and Many a Sublime Truth has Fallen Flat Because of How Poorly it Was Expressed.
  • Shirk Occurs When Human Beings Love, Trust or Fear the Creation More Than Allaah(The Creator).
  • When you‘re Going Through Something Hard and You Start Wondering where Allaah is, Just Remember the Teacher is Always Quiet During a Test.
  • When you See Someone Who is Not as Religious, Remember that You Were Once on the Edge of the Fire, and it Was Allaah (swt)’s Favor UpOn You to Guide You. Arrogance will Wipe away Any Goodness From the Transformation.
  • “Regarding Dressing, Morals & Values A Wise Man Said, “The Acceptable Nowadays Was Unacceptable Before, and The Unacceptable Nowadays Will be Acceptable in Future.
  • I know a Man who Lost his Parents but Refused to be Called an Orphan. He was Man Enough to Love a Strong Woman Years Older Than Him, Worked For Her and Made Her Stronger, Opened His Heart to Her, Shared His Fears To No One But Her. He was Romantic and Was Faithful to Her Till Her Last Breath. Cleaned After Himself and Sewed His Own Clothes. He was Good Looking, Courageous and Fearless. He Never Judged Anyone on Their Pasts or Looks, and Was Moderate, Open Minded and Tolerant. His Neighbor Was Jewish and his Cousin-in- law was a Christian Priest. Beaten and Exiled When He was Helpless, He was Merciful when he Became Stronger. Intelligent, Wise and a Hard Worker, He Built a Long Lasting Nation Out of Nothing in the Last 20 years of His Life. He Had No Parents, But Loved His Daughters and Grandchildren. His Last Will Was “Be Good To Women.” This Man was a Mercy For All Mankind,This Man Was My PROPHET MUHAMMAD, Peace be Upon Him”.
?">RSS'); document.write('
  • Knowledge is a Comforting Friend in Times of Loneliness, it is the Best Companion During Travels, and it is The Inner Friend Who Speaks to you in Your Privacy.
  • You are NOTHING but a Number of Days, and Whenever a Day Passes Away, a Part of You Passes Away.
  • Know that if People are Impressed With You, in Reality they are Impressed with the Beauty of Allaah's Covering of your Sins.
  • Allaah has Created Angels with Reason, But Having No Desires; and Animals with Desires, But No Reason; and Man with Both Reason and Desires. Therefore, if One’s Reason is Stronger than his Desires, He is Like an Angel, While if his Desires are Stronger than his Reason, He is like an Animal.
  • Sins Need to be Burned Either with the Pain of Regret in this World or the Fire of Hell in the Hereafter.
  • And Verily for Everything a Slave Loses there is a Substitute, But the One Who Loses Allaah will Never find Anything to Replace Him.
  • Some People have the Disease of Criticizing all the Time. They Forget the Good about Others and Only Mention their Faults. They are Like Flies that Avoid the Good and Pure Places and Land on the Bad and Wounds. This is Because of the Evil within the Self and the Spoiled Nature.
  • We see You When You are Inflicted with a Disease, You Knock every Physician’s Door Looking for Treatment and Bearing Whatever Pain that may Result from Surgical Operations and The Bitterness of Medicine. Why do You Not do the Same When your Heart is Spiritually Sick with Sins?.
  • To Live For the Sake of Allah is a Lot Harder than to Die for the Sake of Allah.
  • Anger Always Comes Alone but Takes away Wisdom, Morals and Beauty of Character with It.
  • If One Night You See Someone Committing a Sin, Tomorrow do Not Look at Him as a Sinner, He May Have Repented During the Night and You did Not know.
  • Words are Under Your Control Until You have Spoken Them, But You Come Under Their Control Once You Have Spoken Them.
  • O my Soul! It is Not, Except a Few Days of Patience; As if the Extent Were But a Few Dreams.O my Soul! Pass Quickly On Through This World; And Leave it, For Indeed Life Lies Ahead of It.
  • When the Foolish One Speaks, Do Not Reply To Him, For Better Than a Response (to Him) is Silence, and If You Speak to Him You Have Aided Him, and If You Left Him (with No Reply) in Extreme Sadness He Dies.
  • Every Person is Dead Except Those Who Have Knowledge. And all Those Who Have knowledge are Asleep Except Those Who Perform Good Deeds. And Those Perform Good Deeds are Cheated Except Those who are Sincere. And Those Who are Sincere are Always in Condition of Worry( as to if Their Deeds are Accepted by Allaah or Not).
  • Many a False Idea has Been Sold on the Strength of How Beautifully it was Presented, and Many a Sublime Truth has Fallen Flat Because of How Poorly it Was Expressed.
  • Shirk Occurs When Human Beings Love, Trust or Fear the Creation More Than Allaah(The Creator).
  • When you‘re Going Through Something Hard and You Start Wondering where Allaah is, Just Remember the Teacher is Always Quiet During a Test.
  • When you See Someone Who is Not as Religious, Remember that You Were Once on the Edge of the Fire, and it Was Allaah (swt)’s Favor UpOn You to Guide You. Arrogance will Wipe away Any Goodness From the Transformation.
  • “Regarding Dressing, Morals & Values A Wise Man Said, “The Acceptable Nowadays Was Unacceptable Before, and The Unacceptable Nowadays Will be Acceptable in Future.
  • I know a Man who Lost his Parents but Refused to be Called an Orphan. He was Man Enough to Love a Strong Woman Years Older Than Him, Worked For Her and Made Her Stronger, Opened His Heart to Her, Shared His Fears To No One But Her. He was Romantic and Was Faithful to Her Till Her Last Breath. Cleaned After Himself and Sewed His Own Clothes. He was Good Looking, Courageous and Fearless. He Never Judged Anyone on Their Pasts or Looks, and Was Moderate, Open Minded and Tolerant. His Neighbor Was Jewish and his Cousin-in- law was a Christian Priest. Beaten and Exiled When He was Helpless, He was Merciful when he Became Stronger. Intelligent, Wise and a Hard Worker, He Built a Long Lasting Nation Out of Nothing in the Last 20 years of His Life. He Had No Parents, But Loved His Daughters and Grandchildren. His Last Will Was “Be Good To Women.” This Man was a Mercy For All Mankind,This Man Was My PROPHET MUHAMMAD, Peace be Upon Him”.
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  • Knowledge is a Comforting Friend in Times of Loneliness, it is the Best Companion During Travels, and it is The Inner Friend Who Speaks to you in Your Privacy.
  • You are NOTHING but a Number of Days, and Whenever a Day Passes Away, a Part of You Passes Away.
  • Know that if People are Impressed With You, in Reality they are Impressed with the Beauty of Allaah's Covering of your Sins.
  • Allaah has Created Angels with Reason, But Having No Desires; and Animals with Desires, But No Reason; and Man with Both Reason and Desires. Therefore, if One’s Reason is Stronger than his Desires, He is Like an Angel, While if his Desires are Stronger than his Reason, He is like an Animal.
  • Sins Need to be Burned Either with the Pain of Regret in this World or the Fire of Hell in the Hereafter.
  • And Verily for Everything a Slave Loses there is a Substitute, But the One Who Loses Allaah will Never find Anything to Replace Him.
  • Some People have the Disease of Criticizing all the Time. They Forget the Good about Others and Only Mention their Faults. They are Like Flies that Avoid the Good and Pure Places and Land on the Bad and Wounds. This is Because of the Evil within the Self and the Spoiled Nature.
  • We see You When You are Inflicted with a Disease, You Knock every Physician’s Door Looking for Treatment and Bearing Whatever Pain that may Result from Surgical Operations and The Bitterness of Medicine. Why do You Not do the Same When your Heart is Spiritually Sick with Sins?.
  • To Live For the Sake of Allah is a Lot Harder than to Die for the Sake of Allah.
  • Anger Always Comes Alone but Takes away Wisdom, Morals and Beauty of Character with It.
  • If One Night You See Someone Committing a Sin, Tomorrow do Not Look at Him as a Sinner, He May Have Repented During the Night and You did Not know.
  • Words are Under Your Control Until You have Spoken Them, But You Come Under Their Control Once You Have Spoken Them.
  • O my Soul! It is Not, Except a Few Days of Patience; As if the Extent Were But a Few Dreams.O my Soul! Pass Quickly On Through This World; And Leave it, For Indeed Life Lies Ahead of It.
  • When the Foolish One Speaks, Do Not Reply To Him, For Better Than a Response (to Him) is Silence, and If You Speak to Him You Have Aided Him, and If You Left Him (with No Reply) in Extreme Sadness He Dies.
  • Every Person is Dead Except Those Who Have Knowledge. And all Those Who Have knowledge are Asleep Except Those Who Perform Good Deeds. And Those Perform Good Deeds are Cheated Except Those who are Sincere. And Those Who are Sincere are Always in Condition of Worry( as to if Their Deeds are Accepted by Allaah or Not).
  • Many a False Idea has Been Sold on the Strength of How Beautifully it was Presented, and Many a Sublime Truth has Fallen Flat Because of How Poorly it Was Expressed.
  • Shirk Occurs When Human Beings Love, Trust or Fear the Creation More Than Allaah(The Creator).
  • When you‘re Going Through Something Hard and You Start Wondering where Allaah is, Just Remember the Teacher is Always Quiet During a Test.
  • When you See Someone Who is Not as Religious, Remember that You Were Once on the Edge of the Fire, and it Was Allaah (swt)’s Favor UpOn You to Guide You. Arrogance will Wipe away Any Goodness From the Transformation.
  • “Regarding Dressing, Morals & Values A Wise Man Said, “The Acceptable Nowadays Was Unacceptable Before, and The Unacceptable Nowadays Will be Acceptable in Future.
  • I know a Man who Lost his Parents but Refused to be Called an Orphan. He was Man Enough to Love a Strong Woman Years Older Than Him, Worked For Her and Made Her Stronger, Opened His Heart to Her, Shared His Fears To No One But Her. He was Romantic and Was Faithful to Her Till Her Last Breath. Cleaned After Himself and Sewed His Own Clothes. He was Good Looking, Courageous and Fearless. He Never Judged Anyone on Their Pasts or Looks, and Was Moderate, Open Minded and Tolerant. His Neighbor Was Jewish and his Cousin-in- law was a Christian Priest. Beaten and Exiled When He was Helpless, He was Merciful when he Became Stronger. Intelligent, Wise and a Hard Worker, He Built a Long Lasting Nation Out of Nothing in the Last 20 years of His Life. He Had No Parents, But Loved His Daughters and Grandchildren. His Last Will Was “Be Good To Women.” This Man was a Mercy For All Mankind,This Man Was My PROPHET MUHAMMAD, Peace be Upon Him”.
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